Become A Member
The Concerned Citizens for the Development of North Fontana was formed by Jessie M. Turner, to be a united voice for a race of people living in North Fontana who's needs where thought to be insignificant. To the credit of the CCDNF committees such as Better Urban Renewal Now (BURN) were established to bring urban development to North Fontana. Part of the call of BURN was to fight for sidewalks, curb cuts, street lights, gutters and city bus stops. The CCDNF are the founders of the The Miss Black Awareness Pageant, the Black Awareness Parade Committee. summer enrichment free lunch program, after school homework help and activities program, culinary arts and restaurant management program, community Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinner, as well as food, toy and clothes give-a-way. In recent years as a result of health issues we are providing the community with an annual Health Fair and a Juneteenth educational program for the youth at the Jessie M. Turner Community Center. All prospective members of CCDNF are required to complete this registration form. Indicate any changes; Membership runs from Jan 1st-Dec 31st.
Membership is open to all who share CCDNF objectives and wish to help advance the needs of "UNITY" in CommUNITY.
Members must give permission to use photographic images.
Photographs of CCDNF members may be used in various CCDNF communications incl. the newsletter and website. Group photographs taken at CCDNF events may be used without identifying individual members. For individual photographs, please give your permission on the form.
Because I am a Concerned Citizen, I agree that I am a key factor to the success of the commitment the CCDNF has to the community. I pledge to be an active member and attend the monthly meeting on the third Monday of each month (unless it falls on a holiday at which time the meeting will be held the Monday before or after the holiday).
There is a nonrefundable $20 donation membership application payment.
To pay please select the $20 Donation button on the form.
Mail check/money order to Concerned Citizens for the Development of North Fontana,
Fax to 909.440.5659 or scan and email your membership form to
For more information call
Ellen Turner President