Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant

Welcome Contestants......
We're so super excited that your applying to be apart of the
Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant
2024-2025 Royal Court.
Registration start June 1, 2024
Complete form on the bottom of page, deadline Aug. 4, 2024
Pageant Date Dec. 14, 2024
Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant is a premier pageant that exists to give a once in a lifetime remarkable experience for African American Descent Young Ladies. The Miss Black Awareness Contestant will have the opportunity to work with established experience instructors from around the joining communities. The contestant will represent the organization in public events, parades, community outreaches and receive a book scholarship, and more. We celebrate the whole women mind, body and spirit ages 8 - 18 years old. Our Pageant doesn't promote weight and height so, if you are shy still put your BEST foot forward and apply. We are willing to work with everyone !!
Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant is a program under The Black Awareness Parade Committee and The Concerned Citizens For The Development of North Fontana a Non-Profit 501(c)3 Organization. The Concerned Citizens For The Development of North Fontana is the Oldest Africian-American community based non-profit organization in North Fontana.
The vision for the Pageant consist of 4 divisions (young, junior, teen, and teen-miss), 4 crowning (Queens Princesses & Duchess), 1 day only. The crowning of ALL division winners will take place followed by their celebration ceremony. It would be a long exciting day for our contestants so, make sure they get a goodnight sleep. I want everyone to be at their very best presentation for the day!!
The Contestants will be competing in a point system which will be Judged by Crowned Winning Queens of different Titles to win being crowned Miss Black Awareness. along with participating in The Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant, the contestants are inspired by their directors to do and be the very best they can be. The contestants will participate in age appropriate work shops that will introduce them to young lady etiquette training, purpose studio 7 week workshop, fine dining experience, stage play, community outreach, parades, social excursions. Also, inspirational lectures listening to presentation from African American women entrepreneur, professional women and business leaders as our schedule allows. The Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant encourage contestants to develop a great sisterhood which results in a lifelong friendship with other contestants from all over the joining communities.
To get started : At the bottom of the Application is the PayPal link. Please Submit your Online $50 Registration Fee which secures her spot on the Pageant Roster & her T-shirt, then go to our Contact Page & FB Page Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant like our page and inbox her name, age and t-shirt size. Once we receive your submission you will be contacted by a member of the Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant Committee Team that we received it. Next, print out a copy of the Application which contains Full basic detail of Requirements to participate in the Pageant. At the First Orientation and Rehearsal you'll be turning in the complete Application along with a Picture (8x10 ) on Sunday, August 4, 2024 @ 3:00p - 6:00p at Concerned Citizens Resource Center 16655 Foothill Blvd.,Fontana,Ca.#200 2nd Floor Pageant date Sat. Dec. 2024
We have secured a Professional Photographer if you need pictures (head shots, half body and full body) for 3 poses at $50 if you need this service.
The contestants who participate in the Miss Black Awareness Scholarship Pageant will encounter an experience that they will never forget !!
I'm looking forward to meet my future Queens, Princesses and Duchess.
"A Queen Wears Her Crown Proudly"
Executive Pageant Director: Deborah Hall-Lindsey
951 221-7469 d.halllindsey@gmail.com
Pageant Director: Charlene Dixon
909 913-0831 Mbapageant@yahoo.com
The Concerned Citizens For the Development of North Fontana
The Black Awareness Parade Committee

The Miss Black Awareness Pageant is organized by the North Fontana Black Awareness Parade Committee. The North Fontana Parade committee invites young women of African American descent between the ages of 8 -18 yrs old to participate in Our MBASP Pageant. Our objective is to offer an inspiring young lady a chance to represent Our Organization and the City of Fontana in a positive way also, to help young women build confidence with pubic speaking, helps them get to know their community and neighboring communities, build lifelong friends & recognize and appreciate their self worth. To get the process started a nonrefundable $50 process donation secures their name on the Pageant Participation Roster, their T-Shirt and Administration. The $250 Contestant Sponsorship payment is due before or by Sunday, Aug. 4th, 2024, so that the sponsorship sashes can be ordered for their appearances. This will give you time to secure someone your daughter/s would like to represent. Our Sponsorship Program & Fundraisers is a great way to raise the required fee and keep your out of pocket expenses to a minimum.
Miss Black Awareness 2024-2025 Scholarship Pageant
Interest Form
Eligible age 8 to 18
Please complete the form below in the message area provided.
Include your:
1. Name of parent or guardian.
2. Name of Contestant
3. Address and e-mail address
4. Best phone to contact you
5.. Age and Date of Birth
6. Facebook name (if you have one)
7. Send Interest Message.
8. NonRefundable Registration Donation ($50.00) payment methods
are PayPal, Zelle, or Cash App
Thank you for your interest in this years' pageant , we will contact you soon.
Pageant Director
Charlene Dixon
(909) 913-0831
For PayPal payments click the PayPal button below.
Please complete and submit your information as indicated above.