Be Better Than Yourself
"Be A Sponsor"
The Concerned Citizens is a community based volunteer nonprofit organization established in 1968. We owe our success to the support of community partners like you. It is due to civic minded people that makes it possible for us to provide programs that bring commonality in the community.
Our organization hosts a variety of engaging and educational events in San Bernardino County including:
*Black History Month and Expo
*Miss Black Awareness Pageant
*"Unity in CommUNITY Day" Chillin N Grillin BBQ ComPITtion
*Law Enforcement CommUNITY Forum
*Annual Health Fair
*Education Youth Program featuring historical impersonators
like Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas
We embrace commUNITY spirit, celebrate cultural heritage, and provide valuable educational opportunities.
To the credit of our organization we are responsible the first Black History Month Parade and Expo in the county of San Bernardino from 1968 to present.
Questions or concerns email to: concernedcitizens4nofontana@gmail.com or
Fax to: 909 697 2005 att: Concerned Citizens for the Development of North Fontana Inc.
non-profit organization
Corporate Sponsor -$5,000
Sponsor Luncheon
Advertising materials every event
Information Booth
Social Media
Platinum Sponsor - $2,500.00
Information booth space
Banner and Table display
Advertising materials at the event
Recognition during each of our programs
Gold Sponsor - $1,200.00
Information booth space
Advertising materials at the event
Recognition during each of our programs
Silver Sponsor - $500.00
Information booth space
Advertising materials at the event
Recognition during this program
Miss Black Awareness
Winter Wonderland Pageant
Pageant Contestant Sponsor - $250.00
Contestant will wear a sash with your business or
organization's name on it at all community events for one year..
Once your donation is made we will send you a receipt with the taxable donation information.
Thank you in advance for you sponsorship
we just need the following information: